
Google Ads Audience Targeting: The Ultimate Guide

What is Google Ads audience targeting? Audience targeting in Google Ads allows you to reach your intended audiences online. Audiences are segments of people. These are groups of people with specific interests, intents, and demographic information, as estimated by Google. When adding an audience [...]

By |2022-05-19T16:21:38+08:00December 12th, 2021|Tags: |

Google Ads Campaigns: The Ultimate Guide

Ultimate guide to Google Ads campaigns What are Google Ads campaigns? Before we get into it, let's look at what a marketing campaign is. Marketing campaigns are a very common term in our field. Based on the definition by Investopedia, "marketing campaigns promote products [...]

By |2022-05-19T16:21:39+08:00December 11th, 2021|Tags: |

Google Ads Keywords: The Ultimate Guide

What are Google Ads keywords? What are keywords in Google Ads? They are probably the most important thing in the field of paid search or Google's search ads. Paid searches are ads in text format. They mainly contain 3 headlines, 2 descriptions, a URL, [...]

By |2022-05-19T16:21:39+08:00December 10th, 2021|Tags: |

Google Ads Account Structure: The Ultimate Guide

What is Google Ads account structure? Google Ads account structuring is the process of building the foundation and layout of how you want your account to look. It will impact your ad management and optimizations moving forward. Not structuring it properly will hurt your [...]

By |2022-05-19T16:21:40+08:00December 7th, 2021|Tags: |

Paid Search Advertising: The Complete Guide

What is Paid Search? Paid search, or search advertising, is when an advertiser shows an ad on a search engine. The advertiser pays the search engine a certain amount of money each time the ad gets clicked on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). [...]

By |2022-05-19T16:21:40+08:00December 6th, 2021|Tags: |
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