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Google Ads News

Keep updated on the latest Google Ads news and prepare yourself with all upcoming features and changes.

5 Ways To Manage Your Google Ads Account Through Covid-19 Pandemic

Optimize your PPC in the Pandemic With the pandemic pushing on and more businesses are forced to adjust to the new conditions. Let me share with you five ways to future-proof your PPC Campaigns. Hopefully, this will help you ride through the wave and succeed beyond. 1. Search terms report Are your ads triggering any search terms related to the Covid-19 pandemic? You may find that these are not searches you want to be showing up for. It may not be suitable for your brand image, or most of these people are just looking for something else (like the [...]

May 17th, 2021|Tags: , |

The End of Broad Match Modified (BMM) Keywords

The end of Broad Match Modifier Google Ads has decided to bring an end to the long-running Broad Match Modified (BMM) keyword. Traditionally, BMM keywords allow advertisers to select exclusively which keywords should appear before triggering their ads. It's not the most concise but it's second in "looseness" after broad match. Which can basically match you with anything within or outside your keyword range. BMM terms that you designate with “+” can match to any part of a search or other words with similar meaning. Additional words may appear in the search before, after, or in between your “+” [...]

February 5th, 2021|Tags: , |
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