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Google Ads Guide

Here you will find everything you need to know about Google Ads. Our goal is to help you master this platform.

5 Ways To Manage Your Google Ads Account Through Covid-19 Pandemic

Optimize your PPC in the Pandemic With the pandemic pushing on and more businesses are forced to adjust to the new conditions. Let me share with you five ways to future-proof your PPC Campaigns. Hopefully, this will help you ride through the wave and succeed beyond. 1. Search terms report Are your ads triggering any search terms related to the Covid-19 pandemic? You may find that these are not searches you want to be showing up for. It may not be suitable for your brand image, or most of these people are just looking for something else (like the [...]

May 17th, 2021|Tags: , |

5 Reasons Why You Need To Link Google Analytics To Your Ads Account

Most websites use Google Analytics. In fact, it is the most popular analytics tool in the world, with over 28,000,000 websites using it. First of all, it is free. Second, it is a very flexible and powerful analytics tool that allows us to understand the users activity on our site. If you have a Google Ads account, you probably did not know that you can link your GA account to your Ad account. And there are 5 powerful reasons why you should do this. Before we begin, let me show you how to link your GA account. How to [...]

May 11th, 2021|Tags: , |

The Different Types of PPC Auctions

Premium Auction vs Low-Quality Auction A premium auction in PPC means that Google believes this traffic is of higher quality and converts better. Premium ad auction (PAA) will cost more than a low-quality ad auction (LQAA). We will find out why CPCs are not a KPI to optimize for. You will usually see an increase in CPC cost when your ads are entering more PAA. But PAA also enjoys higher conversion rates than LQAA. If you look at your High CPCs and began frantically optimizing and removing those keywords that are relevant to your business, you will stand to [...]

February 27th, 2021|Tags: |

The End of Broad Match Modified (BMM) Keywords

The end of Broad Match Modifier Google Ads has decided to bring an end to the long-running Broad Match Modified (BMM) keyword. Traditionally, BMM keywords allow advertisers to select exclusively which keywords should appear before triggering their ads. It's not the most concise but it's second in "looseness" after broad match. Which can basically match you with anything within or outside your keyword range. BMM terms that you designate with “+” can match to any part of a search or other words with similar meaning. Additional words may appear in the search before, after, or in between your “+” [...]

February 5th, 2021|Tags: , |

How To Write High Performing Google Ads

How to write high-performing Google Ads? What is the style of Google ads, or PPC ads? After years of study, I would advise the reader to write in a telegraphic way. That is the way that works, principles of writing PPC ads should follow closely to the old, classified newspaper ads. PPC ads belong in a class of "small ads". In the old days, it would be no different from classified ads. Both are intent-focused and advertisers are given limited space. In the newspaper, it may be 2x2 inches. In Google ads, it is 3 x 30 characters (sometimes [...]

February 3rd, 2021|Tags: |

What is the Google Ads Repeat Rate in the Conversions Settings?

Google Ads repeat rate I have gotten a few questions regarding the "repeat rate" column when customers are looking at their conversion settings. They ask, "What is this about?". They don't quite understand it. Go to conversion settings So I will explain it here. To navigate to the page, first click "Tools & Settings" and then under "Measurement", click "Conversions". You will be directed to a page with all your conversions actions. Example below. This is fairly simple. It is a place where you set all the valuable actions a user can take on your site. For example a [...]

January 16th, 2021|Tags: , |

How to Use the Google Performance Planner For Your Budgeting

How to use Google's Performance Planner Google's Performance Planner is a great tool for businesses who want to budget their Google ads spend for the next month or quarter. If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions below, then you probably should use the Performance Planner to help you decide. 1) How will my campaigns perform next quarter?” 2) Is there a better way to distribute my current spend to drive increased conversions for my current Google Ads investment?" 3) How much budget do I need for my Google Ads to achieve key performance indicators (KPIs)?” 4) How [...]

December 30th, 2020|Tags: |

How to 5X Results On Your Google Ads

How to maximize your Google Ads spend? This is a common question for every advertiser spending money on Google Ads. What does that mean though? It means how can get the customers we are looking for without wasting our ad dollars. It is the whole purpose of advertising. It is an investment for the business until it pays back the business, then it becomes an asset. This is why most businesses are hesitant to spend on advertising. Either they do not want another liability or they just don't understand how it works, so they are afraid of spending money. [...]

November 1st, 2020|Tags: |

Thoughts on Advertising II

This is similar to the previous notes that I created, it is an accumulation of my own notes regarding advertising; part 2. In no particular order. • • • Advertising is persuasion, not force. Good things don't have to be forced on the customer. - Search advertising is dealing with customers that are aware. We are not in the interruptive marketing section, but rather permission marketing. - We need to give information, we need to portray reliability, we need to convey convenience. We need to give a 'reason-why' to buy. It should go something like "Yes we know what you [...]

October 22nd, 2020|Tags: , |

The Truth About Modern Advertising

The A/B Method During the early 1900s, the world witnessed one of the greatest admen to ever live. He became the father of copywriting, namely Claude C. Hopkins. Claude believed that advertising existed only to sell something and should be measured and justified by the results it produced. He was also a man of honesty, a man who only spoke the truth and focused on providing benefits to his clients. Hopkins insisted that copywriters research their clients' products and produce a "reason-why" copy. He believed that a good product and the atmosphere around it was often its own best [...]

October 15th, 2020|Tags: , |
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